Membership Application

Membership in the ABPD is open to directors of U.S. and Canadian academic bioethics programs based in accredited universities or colleges meeting all of the following criteria:

  • Two or more faculty FTE are devoted to the program’s efforts;
  • Education and scholarship are central to the program’s mission; AND
  • Bioethics is a significant (but not necessarily exclusive) focus of the program.

Directors of programs not based in accredited universities or colleges and/or who are located outside the U.S. or Canada are eligible for membership if it is determined by the Board that their programs share similar concerns and programmatic missions to those of ABPD members.

Membership Application
Mailing Address
Title, Institutional Affiliation
Mission statement preferred, but if there is no formal mission statement, please describe your program's mission
Number of FTEs:

Any questions? Contact Barbara Juknialis, MA (ABPD Administrative Director) at 216-368-3309 or Forms may be returned by e-mail to (preferred) or faxed to 216-368-8713.

Membership dues are $500 annually. Invoices will be sent in July each year for the period July 1-June 30.

Do not send any money with your membership application.

The Board of Directors, acting as the Association’s Membership Committee, will review all applications; invoices will be sent subsequently.

Thanks for your interest in and support of ABPD.

ABPD’s mission is to advance the field of bioethics through fostering the development and success of bioethics programs in educational and scientific institutions.